
Below are links to resources relating to At Home with Jim and Joy programing as well as useful information on various topics relevant to Christian beliefs.

At Home with Jim and Joy


Marriage and Family Resources - Excellent, Practical, Orthodox. I use it all the time and share it with others. Incredible resource for engaged or married. - Her books on raising children are outstanding… we have interviewed her on numerous occasions.

Called Home – A True Story of Overcoming Grief After Losing a Child - by John and Deborah Giles

Culture of Life Resources - Extensive resource for medical, research, and practical information relating to culture of life issues. - National website with information about local campaigns taking place around the world. - 24-Hour Hotline and national database of pregnancy centers for those facing a crisis pregnancy. - National database of life chains taking place across the country. - Web site with information about the successes of adult stem cell research.


Church Documents from the Vatican

Place the name of the document (ie Familiaris Consortio) into “Search” or select one of the documents below;

Pope Benedict XVI - "PORTAL OF FAITH"

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Catechism of the Catholic Church


EWTN Library


Other Links

Catholics Come Home

Couple to Couple League


An international organization of men and women struggling with homosexual feelings who support one another, striving to live chaste lives in accordance with the Church's magisterial teachings.

Eternal Word Television Network

Focus on the Family

Dr. Dobson's non-profit Christian international organization dedicated to "comprehensive, rational and biblically-based conception of the family for those in greatest need"

Heartbeat International

First network of pro-life pregnancy resource centers in the U.S. and the largest in the world

Human Life International

Life missionaries to the world with resources in English, French, Polish and Spanish!

Catholic Counselors

National Catholic Bioethics Center

National Family Planning Outreach

National Marriage Project

Pontifical Council for the Family

Council of the Roman Curia responsible for the promotion of the pastoral ministry and apostolate to the family through the application of the teachings and guidelines of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Priests for Life

Pro-life News

Rachel’s Vineyard

A ministry of Priests for Life, Rachel's Vineyard offers women and men weekends for healing after abortion

Retrouvaille- A Lifeline for Marriage

Sex Respect

Silent No More Awareness Campaign

A Project of Priests for Life and Anglicans for Life, the Campaign creates a safe place for women to break their silence about the pain of abortion, speak the truth and let others know they’re not alone. 

Teams of Our Lady

United for Life Foundation

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

“Life, Marriage and Family”

“For Your Marriage”

Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Information Option Line

Voter Registration

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